190 sidor.
Lär dig tillaga vikingatida mat! "An early meal" innehåller information om råvaror, tillredning, drycker samt recept. Informationen är baserad på arkeologiska fynd och experimentell arkeologi och ger dig förutom recept helt nya insikter i Vikingatidens kök. Ett måste i alla historieintresserades bokhyllor.
Utgiven av ChronoCopia Publishing AB
Från bokens baksida:
"From festive and exclusive meals of spitroasted chickens, sweet rosehip mead and exotic berry sauces to the more mundane travellers fare of a simple vegetarian savoury porridge spiced with angelica, An Early Meal - a Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odessey offers a journey across the Viking Age world in search for the cuisine that may have been eaten in Scandinavia 1000 years ago.
Based on archaeological finds ans experimental archeology this book will take you beyond the boundaries of regular cookbook and not only give you a number of mouthwatering recipes but also new insight into the Viking Age cuisine.
The recipes represent different regions from Lofoten in the north to the Viking Age settlement in Jorvik in the south - each with its' own regional flare."
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